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    Vamsi Tummalachetty

    Assessor serving multiple states

    in Connecticut

    Life Coaching is also available in Connecticut, and across the United States. Meet our Life Coaches here.

    Online Therapy in Connecticut for Autism or ADHD

    Neurodivergent people in Connecticut want and deserve counselors and therapists who understand and affirm what it is to be autistic or to have ADHD. Adult Autism Assessment & Services can provide what you need. You don’t even have to drive to see us, we’re 100% telehealth. If you live in a big city like Hartford, Stamford, or New Haven, you might not want to find yourself stuck in traffic, like  I-95, trying to get to your appointment. Or maybe you live in Outer Island or up in the Northeast, and there aren’t many mental health services near you. It doesn’t matter where you live in the Nutmeg State of Connecticut, there’s no need to leave your home for therapy. For more about the benefits of telehealth services for autism or ADHD, click here.

    Sensory Friendly Movies in Connecticut

    Have you ever gone to see a movie you’d been looking forward to, only to have your experience ruined by becoming overwhelmed by the sensory experience? If so, and if you live in or near Ridgefield, CT, then you’re in luck! Read on to learn about the Prospector Theater and their Sensory Friendly Screenings.

    Sensory Friendly Connecticut River Museum

    Whether you’re interested in rivers or riverboats, steamboats or submarines, the Connecticut River Museum has something for you. There are educational resources for all ages, including school groups. The mission of the Connecticut River Museum is “to deepen appreciation of the River’s history and to inspire its stewardship by providing unique educational and recreational experiences to diverse audiences.” As part of serving diverse audiences, the museum provides Sensory Day special hours.