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    Our Services

    At Adult Autism Assessment, we provide telehealth assessment services for:

    • Neurodivergence-Affirming Counseling
      • We believe that neurodivergence is not a disease to be “cured.” but rather a difference to be celebrated. We affirm clients’ value exactly as they are, rather than trying to “fix” them.
    • Problem-Solving Partner Life Coaches
      • Life coaches trained in neurodiversity and supporting self-management programs come alongside clients to offer support in pursuing the goals that the clients have set for themselves.
    • Dating Life Coaches
      • Trained neurodivergent relationship life coaches partner with clients to work on self-esteem and the interpersonal skills which the client has chosen to develop in order to be comfortable and feel confident in dating situations.


    Reach out today!

    Please complete the form below to schedule an appointment.
    We will try our best to accommodate your request and will be in touch ASAP.

    Are you thinking about getting tested for autism, but you’re just not sure? Our Galaxy Trek Quiz can help. It’s not a test, it’s just a fun way to learn more before you make up your mind.